Published on May 31, 2002 By skotos90 In WinCustomize Talk
I don't get the smart buttons. I can't figure out how to use them and there is nothing in the help file about them. Anyone know what they do and how they work?
on May 31, 2002
They're a configurable plug in. You need the registered version of WB for them to work.

Go into the WB configuration screen and there's a button on the left for the smartbutton menu. Once you're there, it's pretty obvious how to set them up. There's a choice of several things you can make them do like show the quick-launch menu or be a hyperlink, rollup button...
on Jun 03, 2002
I do have a registered version. But I cant figure out what they do. They dont appear to do anything. I am seeing a message that says current skin does not support smart buttons. But I havent been able to find any skins that support it. And there is no documentation about smart buttons. Help!
on Jun 04, 2002
ahhh - If it says the skin doesn't support smart buttons then that's the problem. The smart buttons have to be added to the skin by the skin author. It's a very new feature so there are not many skins that incorporate them. If you want to see what they do download SETI green (or glass) - that's the only skin I know for sure has them. I'll go look for some others, I know there were a few of the GUI Olympics submissions that had them.
on Jun 04, 2002
Here are all the skins that specifically mention having smart buttons in their description (going back to January):

Starone: Palo Duro / Misty Morning / Silver Doe / Fiber Optic Angel / Country Metal / Provicially Fishy

Adni18: Epsilon / Design1 / XP Professional v3

Treetog: Olympics OS

DavidK: SETI green / SETI glass

There could be many more that didn't mention it in the description. (actually mine don't but I knew they had the feature...) Sorry if I missed any, if anyone knows of others please list them here...
on Jun 04, 2002
Lean Green

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